The MOBILIZE podcast is all about translating evidence into clinical practice by increasing awareness of chronic conditions and how exercise and self-management can help the individual. Staring established experts from around the world, the podcast gives you easily-accessible insights into a complex field in 10-30 minutes.


On this podcast, Madalina Jäger interviews one of the experts in multimorbidity, Susan Smith, a professor of General Practice at the Royal College of Surgeons at Ireland Medical School. The discussion revolves around the concept of multimorbidity and the challenges experienced by people living with multiple conditions and by healthcare professionals who support them. Exercise and education are highlighted as a potential solution for improving health and quality of life in this population.

Exercise as treatment of multimorbidity

On this episode of the MOBILIZE Projects podcast you’ll meet Alessio Bricca, postdoc in MOBILIZE. Alessio’s work focus on developing an exercise program for people with multiple chronic conditions (multimorbidity) and the conversation highlights the evidence of exercise as a safe and effective treatment for people living with multimorbidity as well as giving specific suggestions for clinical practice and patients.


The role of exercise in osteoarthritis and how to implement it in clinical practice.

On this episode of the MOBILIZE Project Podcast, Professor Ewa Roos shares her experience in bringing research into clinical practice for people with knee and hip osteoarthritis. The conversation highlights how the management of people with knee and hip osteoarthritis has changed over the last two decades and provides clinical suggestions for patients, researchers and politicians.


Are there alternative delivery modes to supervised centrebased exercise?

On this episode of the MOBILIZE Project Podcast, Professor Rod Taylor shares his experience in alternative delivery modes to supervised centre-based exercise for cardiac rehabilitation highlighting how research has improved cardiac rehabilitation.


How to implement alternative delivery modes of exercise in clinical practice?

On this episode of the MOBILIZE Project Podcast, Professor Rod Taylor shares his experience in implementing in clinical practice alternative delivery modesto supervised centrebased exercise, for cardiac rehabilitation highlighting the UK example of REACH-HF (Rehabilitation EnAblement in CHronic Heart Failure).


Active living- Moving research into action

On this episode of the MOBILIZE Project Podcast, Professor Jens Troelsen, the leader of the Active Living Research Unit and currently Head of the Department for Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics at University of Southern Denmark shares valuable insights about the importance of active living for prevention and health promotion. He talks about some of the factors found to be associated with physical activity in the urban environment relevant for different age groups (e.g. walkability and bikeability, access to green areas and appropriate facilities, safety). The take home message is for people to integrate physically active in their daily lives whenever they have the opportunity (e.g. at home, at work, during leisure time).



On this episode of the MOBILIZE podcast Professor Alison Hoens shares her experience in knowledge translation and stakeholder engagement in research. Alison highlights when, how and why knowledge translation and stakeholder engagement are both key factors in successful project that can benefit the public.